Finance and Business Operations Divisional Units
The following services are provided by the Finance and Business Operations Division units:
The Office of the Vice President for Finance and Business Operations, Treasurer and CFO oversees the activities of the division. The unit includes the Real Estate Officer who is responsible for the acquisition and selling of University property, maintaining a complete database of all University property and negotiating agreements for facilities leased for use by the University.
Fiscal Operations is responsible for financial management, accounting and reporting, assuring that the University's fiscal practices comply with relevant policies, rules and regulations. Additionally, Fiscal Operations is responsible for issuing payments to all University vendors, employees and students and the processing and collection of student and general Accounts Receivable.
Facilities Planning and Management (FPM) provides a safe, attractive, functional and well-maintained campus by maintaining and repairing all of the University's owned and some of the leased buildings, managing its deferred maintenance and maintaining the campus grounds. Additionally, FPM oversees the renovation and construction of buildings and plans capital projects. The unit also monitors the annual utilities budget and develops energy conservation measures to reduce consumption and lower utility costs.
Investment, Debt and Risk Management maintains the University's banking relationships, manages the cash pool investments, completes new debt issuance activities and monitors outstanding debt. The unit also conducts the investment and financial administration activities for the University and Foundation endowment funds and planned gifts. It also administers the University's insurance programs and related loss control and claims administration activities.
Procurement and Strategic Sourcing procures goods and services for the University, directs the request for proposal and competitive bid processes and manages the procurement card program.
Human Resources oversees the identification, recruiting, development and retention of University employees. Additionally, the Human Resources unit is responsible for the administration of the employee compensation plans and benefit programs.
Business and Auxiliary Operations provides contract administration; develops new and exciting business opportunities; and manages a variety of business and auxiliary operations including central receiving, mail, shipping and addressing services, OneCard Service Center, McGregor Memorial Conference Center, parking and transportation services, Housing and the Student Center Building.
Budget, Planning and Analysis identifies Wayne State University financial resources, and directs those resources to their most beneficial use.