Looking Back to Look Ahead...

Welcome to The Model! Our goal for this quarterly newsletter is simple: to share information and enable us to make connections with each other across the division that lead to better ways of working together. We launched our Mission, Vision and Values (MVV) back on October 24, 2016, and we have accomplished a lot since then:

  • Over 83% of FBO employees are aware of our MVV (source: Baseline Employee Survey)
  • Our first division-wide event to promote our value of collaboration the Resource Fair was a success, with 99% of respondents saying they enjoyed the experience and 91% of respondents saying they learned something (source: Exit Survey)
  • The first Town Hall was held with 76% of respondents saying they found it beneficial (source: Online Survey)
  • The new MVV Website has launched as a hub for MVV events, communication and resources. 

I know we still have a long way to go before we will be known to our customers, and to each other, as THE Model of Service Excellence. This vision, like all worthwhile endeavors, takes time, hard work and ongoing commitment to achieve.

To this end, I am 'upping' my personal commitment to include working even closer with the MVV Steering Committee as Executive Co-Sponsor, along with Ken Doherty. This group works tirelessly to help drive awareness and engagement of our
MVV and their enthusiasm is contagious!

I also urge you to ask yourself, "What can I do?" Find ways to get involved. Attend an event, share this newsletter, collaborate on an idea regardless of our roles, or whether we are formally working on the Steering Committee, we all shape our culture in large and small ways every day.

Looking forward to the year ahead.

Bill Decatur
Vice President of Finance and Business Operations and CFO